Urban Revisions

Event Title:
Urban Revisions
Video Identifier:
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Video Duration:
Collection Title:
From Aztec to High-Tech : the performance video collections of Guillermo Gómez-Peña & La Pocha Nostra, 1985-2004
Alternate Title:
Urban Revisions (MOCA)
Event Location:
Museum of Contemporary Art (MOCA), Los Angeles, California, United States
Event Description:
Ritual spoken word performance by Guillermo Gómez-Peña and Roberto Sifuentes with Chicano journalist, author and musician Rubén Martínez, as a part of Adobe L.A. Interventions. An enigmatic living diorama of a 'Vato cultural specimen' is flanked by a border-crossing 'spoken word' tour de force, a staccato back-and-forth of poetry, word-play, political commentary, autobiographical material, and performative provocation. This intervention was performed in the context of the project 'Urban Revisions: Current Projects in the Public Realm', curated by the Museum of Contemporary Art in Los Angeles, California, and later edited by Elizabeth A. T. Smith. La Pocha Nostra ( is an ever-morphing trans-disciplinary arts organization, founded in 1993 by Guillermo Gómez-Peña, Roberto Sifuentes, and Nola Mariano in California. The objective was to formally conceptualize Gómez-Peña's collaborations with other performance artists. It provides a base (and forum) for a loose network of rebel artists from various disciplines, generations and ethnic backgrounds, whose common denominator is the desire to cross and erase dangerous borders between art and politics, practice and theory, artist and spectator. As of June 2006, members include performance artists Guillermo Gómez-Peña, Violeta Luna, Michelle Ceballos, and Roberto Sifuentes; curators Gabriela Salgado and Orlando Britto; and over thirty associates worldwide in countries such as Mexico, Spain, the UK, and Australia. Projects range from performance solos and duets to large-scale performance installations including video, photography, audio, and cyber-art. La Pocha collaborates across national borders, race, gender and generations. Their collaborative model functions both as an act of citizen diplomacy and as a means to create ‘ephemeral communities’ of like-minded rebels. The basic premise of these collaborations is founded on an ideal: If we learn to cross borders on stage, we may learn how to do so in larger social spheres. La Pocha strives to eradicate myths of purity and dissolve borders surrounding culture, ethnicity, gender, language, and métier. These are radical acts.
Event Date:
1994 May 15
English Spanish Spanglish
Event Type:
Gómez-Peña, Guillermo Pocha Nostra Martínez, Rubén Performance art Border art Performance art Ritual performance Spoken word performance Border art Reverse anthropology
Copyright Holder:
Guillermo Gómez-Peña & La Pocha Nostra
Guillermo Gómez-Peña
Guillermo Gómez-Peña Roberto Sifuentes Rubén Martínez
Guillermo Gómez-Peña La Pocha Nostra MOCA Adobe L.A. Interventions
Alexandra Moctezuma
Preferred Citation:
"Urban Revisions", Hemispheric Institute Digital Video Library, NYU Libraries
Reference Link: