
Event Title:
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Collection Title:
Teatro Journalero
Alternate Title:
Event Location:
Cornerstone Theater Co, Los Angeles CA, USA
Event Description:
Teatro Jornalero Sin Fronteras /Day Laborers Theater Without Borders (TJSF) is a Los Angeles-based ensemble theater company comprised of day laborers. Founded in 2008 by Cornerstone Theater Company in conjunction with the National Day Labor Organizing Network, their mission is to improve the lives of day laborers by creating plays by and for the day labor community. Responding to an often degrading and hostile work environment and an increasingly anti-immigrant climate nationally, the troupe uses theater, music, and dialogue to educate and inform immigrant workers about their legal rights; to empower the community by reflecting their stories in their own voices; to humanize the immigration debate for the broader community; and to build a troupe of theater artists that make insightful, entertaining and smart theater for their audiences. Each year TJSF performs in over 50 locations for more than 3,000 day laborers, public school and college students, and diverse organizations, institutions, and agencies. They have received coverage in local, national and international media outlets, including La Opinion, LA Times, BBC World, Christian Science Monitor, and National Public Radio. In ‘Salud’ (Health), people wait for their lab test results in a health clinic. One by one they are called by a doctor who informs them of different illness caused by sexually transmitted disease, toxic chemical contamination in blood and other organs, and malnutrition. These diagnoses revealed lack of sexual education, health education on chemicals and toxins, lack of proper equipment from their work, and most importantly, lack of food education – all of them key problems among immigrant and impoverished populations.
Event Date:
2008 Dec
Event Type:
Migration Day Laborers--United States Health education Disease prevention Sexual education
Copyright Holder:
Cornerstone Theater Company - Teatro Jornalero Sin Fronteras
Jose Mangandi
Juan Herrer Manuel Marquez Xicothencalt Paredes Dorian Vasquez Francisco Lopez Luis Taveras Luis Sanchez Gil Maldonado Juan Romero Lorena Moran
Jose Mangandi
Jose Mangandi
Preferred Citation:
"Salud", Hemispheric Institute Digital Video Library, NYU Libraries
Reference Link: